About Grey

Grey is pretty much your average young adult who loves to be creative. Whether taking photographs, sketching, designing costumes, or writing up a storm, she always tries to put her best into her craft. She became interested in roleplaying while playing on Neopets.com in August 2000 at the age of 13.

It isn't uncommon for her writing to revolve around or draw inspiration from songs, photos, scenes from favorite movies, or something she's seen while away from the computer.

Her cast of current and retired characters (a total of 41 in the past 14 years) range from singular identities to couples and large families. Perhaps you know or have encountered some of them before?
  • The Gardinier Family: Christopher Cyrus, Darius Squire, Sadie Ondrea, Madeline Felicity, Reginald Quincy, Oswald Kenton, Ophelia May Banks-Gardinier, Warrick Kaden, Timothy Wolfe, Cierra Wilton-Gardinier
  • Gardinier Family Friends: Parker Snow, Cassidy Darwin-Snow
  • Vampires: Darius Talbot, Atellus
  • Werewolves: Christopher Talbot
  • Harry Potter (Next Generation): Chancellor "Chance" Remus Lupin, Xavier McGonagall
  • World of Warcraft: Lunette, Taceo Aestas Morntreader, Tabijin the Shaman, Elodi "Whimsi" Barnes, Greyer Lyall
  • WildStar: Marcellus Mapplethorpe
  • Wolves: Zoar, Borden Lyall, Angier Lyall, Fenru Tainnx, Taima Lyall, Mapplethorpe, Sköll Archerx, Tannis
  • Lions: Othelo (Valoria)
  • 'Souls: Rook
  • Miscellaneous Humans: Milo Tibalt Tremaine, Wyler Everett Fontaine, Timothy Charles Lyall, Grier Cirillo (Right on Track), Grier Talbot, The Inventor & The Librarian, Chase Gardinier, Graham Douglas Lyall
*Characters in green are currently active and are linked to their forums/pages; strikethrough characters denote they are deceased; xCharacters which have been adopted from other players.